The Party Crasher

The Party Crasher

by Josuhua Ryan Butler


The political divide is wider than ever. Each side demands ultimate allegiance that’s incompatible with the Christian faith. The fervency with which so many advocate their political ideals is best described in religious terms. Fortunately, Jesus is the ultimate Party Crasher. And he is disrupting politics-as-usual to invite us to embrace a bold vision capable of redeeming our partisan divide.



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Love for The Party Crasher from leading voices.

  • Patrick Miller - thumbnail

    Patrick Miller

    Author of Truth Over Tribe & Pastor at The Crossing

    Politics is the new religion. In the first century, no one separated politics and religion. In the 21st, we assume they're divided. But they're not. Josh Butler explores the culture war as a religious war, driven by idols and ideologies, showing how kingdom-centered peacemaking could transform our tribalized moment. Full of pastoral wisdom, The Party Crasher points us toward a vision of public engagement that cuts across party divides, and keeps Jesus's strange, beautiful vision of an enemy-loving, self-sacrificing people at the center.

  • Brenna Blain - thumbnail

    Brenna Blain

    Bible teacher, author of Can I Say That?

    We all give our allegiance to something or someone. Reaching far beyond the pithy platitudes often hurled at those on the Right or the Left, Josh pulls everyone in by acknowledging one simple truth: for many of us, it’s not inherently or naturally Christ. So how do we, with our different political leanings, come to the table of Christ and sit in unity? The Party Crasher serves as a guide to answering this question that all followers of Christ should wrestle with.

  • Jay Kim - thumbnail

    Jay Kim

    Pastor & Author of Analog Christian

    The Party Crasher is a must-read for any and all seeking the way of Jesus amid the fractured mess we find ourselves in today. In our hyper-polarized, us-versus-them culture, the invitation to follow Jesus as an “enemy-loving, fruit-of-the-Spirit-bearing, laying-down-our-lives-for-our-neighbors” reconciler is the only viable path toward transcending the political divides and embodying the Christian vision of peace. “God, give us soft hearts and steel spines”: I love this prayer Josh invites us into in this timely and all-important book.

  • Bre Golden - thumbnail

    Bre Golden

    Pastor of Community Care at Park Hill Church

    The Party Crasher boldly and compassionately addresses the pain and tension political division has wreaked upon our country, churches, and interpersonal relationships. Josh casts a gripping vision for what it looks like to live with conviction in our cultural moment, by exposing the core ideologies of the political religions which call for the allegiance of our hearts, to subvert our bow and pledge loyalty to Jesus as the Ultimate King.

  • A.J. Swoboda - thumbnail

    A.J. Swoboda

    Associate professor at Bushnell University & author of After Doubt

    The Party Crasher confronts and exposes the idols we’ve too generously harbored in our hearts. It is, to be sure, a wildly uncomfortable read. In the Pentecostal movement, we call it “having your mail read.” But goodness gracious: this book is wildly needed right now. It challenges our false religions, idolatrous ideologies, and misappropriated loves with Christ’s expansive kingdom. Josh has written a book that should shape the church for years to come. Highly recommended.

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I love shifting paradigms, to help people who wrestle with tough topics of the Christian faith by confronting popular caricatures and replacing them with the real thing.